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Driving to Germany


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Two blocks from our Apartment in Mayen

Two blocks from our Apartment in Mayen

We bid farewell to the Netherlands today, and headed off to yet another new country: Germany. This particular travel day was rather uneventful, and the only stop we made during the three and a half hour drive was for lunch. We might've enjoyed our lunch break a bit more if it wasn't for the procession of men *ahem* "relieving themselves" against the trees right in front of our car. We wondered if this general lack of self-consciousness was a local thing. Turns out they were just too cheap to pay the fifty cents needed in order to use the facilities. The rest of our drive was more scenic, however, and we crossed the German border with a cheer.

We're staying in Mayen for the next few days. We took a couple strolls through the winding streets and squares of the small town, and picked up a couple frozen pizzas for dinner, as we are once again living with a rather underequipped kitchen, with just one pot. Our internet connection has also been less than reliable. But the sun is shining and it's actually starting to feel like spring, so we'll be more than happy to get out of the house.

Posted by KZFamily 12:41 Archived in Germany Tagged germany mayen

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12.55 pst 06/06/2013
:) ha ha
Well you did want to give your daughters an experience around the world and enhance their knowledge of things people do !
Most places that charge will refund if you purchase from the establishment though in the UK it is common to pat for public facilities.
Enjoy your time and Ben can now sample good German beer and sausages.

by RobBar

Dear Family,
I enjoyed your travel updates from Holland where you were also able to connect with dear family. How very special! Yes, we always found the Dutch people to be very friendly.
And once again you are getting ready to explore yet another new country. I wonder if you will be pleasantly surprised to see how many Germans know English.
I will continue to follow your travels along the map. In thoughts I am travelling with you.
Have a great time in Germany!

by Edith Roslee

Good to see all the blogs updated. I was going through withdrawl. I hope that the next part of the journey is filled with a little more sunshine and warmth, as spring in some ways has been playing hide and seek with you over the past couple of months.

by Helen Koning

I hope you're managing to avoid the worst of the flooding. I'm sure the beach in the south of France is nice at this time of year. And drier...

by Jane1

Well, Hannah concerning your report on the procession of men *ahem* was very well written. You are a pro. The solution for this problem is simple. Either cut all the trees down or pay the men 50 cents using the facility. Just a thought. Opa.

by G Koning

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